GE Retiree Benefits by Phone :

Simply call 1-800-432-3450  Monday-Friday, 7am -3 pm (Eastern)

.Enter the GE Retiree's Social Security Number.

.Listen for the detailed instructions to get the information you want.

When you have the information you want, you can hang up at any time.

And, don't worry- there's no risk of changing any of your benefits when using the GE Retiree Benefits Line.

This Service allows GE Retirees to:

.Confirm the mailing date of pension checks. Get descriptions of your available GE Benefits .

.Verify insurance and request that Insurance Benefit statement be mailed directly to your home.

.Request forms for: beneficiary change, tax withholding,  direct deposit, enrollment/changes

 Some tips for use during your call:

Have a pencil and paper available to write down notes and telephone numbers.

.Use the GE Retiree's Social Security number to gain access to the system.

During each menu you can:

-Replay information by entering 1

-Return to previous menu by entering 7

-Return to the Main Menu by entering 8

.You can enter your menu selection when you hear the option you want.

Other useful numbers are  :

GE Medical Insurance  -  1 800 655 5392 (8.30 AM to 6.30 Eastern)

GE Medicare benefits claims center    1 800 848 8406

Vision Care Benefits   -    1 800 433 9375  (8.30 AM to 6.30 Eastern)