Matching Gifts - How an organisation confirms receipt of a gift.

This Note is addressed to those organisations that have received a gift from a GE employee or retiree that can be matched by the GE Foundation.

The GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program supports GE employees and retirees in their personal philanthropy and fundraising efforts. This involves matching individual contributions of $25 or more to social services, disease research, environmental organizations, hospitals, museums, public and private schools, colleges and universities, and more.These organizations are often classified as 501 (C3) organisations with regard to the tax code and are tax exempt.

Today, the Matching Gifts Program continues to serve as an important element of the GE Foundation portfolio, with gifts matched in 2009 totaling $32.8 million.

How does a recipient organization confirm gifts?

Organizations confirm receipt of gifts within the same Matching Gifts website ( - click on “Non-Profit Participants” button to log in to the CyberGrants site. CyberGrants, Inc. manages the GE Foundation Matching Gifts web site. The system is real-time, so as soon as a GE donor registers a gift the recipient organization is welcome to log in and confirm immediately.  Monthly reminder letters are sent as a courtesy to organizations with gifts to confirm, but they may log in at any time to do so and do not need to wait for a letter.  An organization has 12 months from the date a gift is registered to confirm. Matching funds are sent out by the GE Foundation once a quarter
The GE Fund Matching Gift Center can be reached at   ( 1-800-305-0669.)