-----Original Message-----
From: Hans J Matanovic [mailto:matanohj@cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 2:51 PM
To: Bijwaard Gerard ((Gerry))
Cc: Neuhaus Fritz/Liz
Subject: "Silversneaker" Fitness Club membership free
Gerry, last week Tuesday meeting someone mentioned that those of us who have Medicare
Supplement insurance through AARP can have through the Silversneaker Program free
membership in some participating local fitness clubs, with the YMCA being one of
them. (That is indeed a great value/ lot of money saved, since e.g. a senior member
would pay 52$ a month.
I followed that up with Silversneaker and it is indeed true that your standard medicare
supplement F of a certain (single) company in each state, with which Silversneakers made
such a deal, gives you this benefit. Again apparently they did that in every state
though with one medicare supplement company only, not with all and any insurer. So I
found, that Anthem, my supplier is not part of that deal.
I followed further up with Anthem then and found that Anthem offer extra insurance plans
to us in addition to e.g. the standard F supplement plan, like a dental, a vision and
other benefit plans, like for travel emergencies etc. These are offered in package plans,
and there are 3 tiers of those, two of which include also the Silversneaker fitness plan
participation/benefit I was describing above.
Bottom line if one subscribes to what is called Anthem Extra Plan Premium or Premium Plus
level, typically the fitness club membership is included for free for a
participating club in your area, the local YMCA being one of them.
The Premium tier costs 37/month and the Premium Plus level costs 57/month, and that is
total for all benefit plans (dental, vision
, silver sneaker
. ). The 52$ for
the Y MCA is paid for and thus a neat windfall. Or looked at the other way, one pays
for the YMCA and has the dental/vision plan benefits for free.
If you think it is worthwhile, you may want to broadcast this.
P.S.: BTW, I verified that the RAC (Carillon Wellness Center) in Roa is not one of the Silversneaker program participating club
members. So no membership waiver there, but, yes, free YMCA membership available. Have not
checked any of the others in the area, but I think a Silversneaker website has a list. hjm